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Why is glass bottle proofing the key step of glass bottle production? Release time: 2020-05-05 Visited: 749 Times

The quality of glass bottle is closely related to its design, material quality, production equipment and mold manufacturing. The key step in the production of glass bottles is proofing. We usually look at proofing. First, we need to know what grade our products are, what are the special requirements for physical and chemical properties and appearance. Second, we need to know the product quality of the manufacturer and see if the manufacturer can produce glass bottles of the same quality as the proofing party. Proofing directly affects the production cost and quality of glass bottles, so we must pay attention to it.

1、 Cost of glass bottle mould

If it's a common mold, it's about 2000-2500 yuan a pair. If it's a glass bottle, it's required to have a good appearance, and the size deviation is very strict. It's recommended to use a spray welded mold, and the price is close to double. Therefore, from the perspective of proofing, although some manufacturers have received thousands of molds, they will lose money if they fail to pass the proofing several times. The main reason is that the cost of wasted production time is too high. In fact, the mold cost is not required by the manufacturer, but collected by the mold factory. Especially for the special-shaped bottles, many products can only be made qualified samples after many times of improvement. Or the process used is not the same, the equipment is not the same, different equipment may be difficult to make the same product.

Many glass wine bottles and wine bottles in China are produced by imported equipment. If we need to find a professional manufacturer in this respect, then the price. With the improvement of China's economic level, our labor cost has increased a lot. Compared with developed countries, it is OK, but not higher for underdeveloped countries. Especially in recent years, the labor cost has increased, coal and natural gas have increased rise. The cost of transportation has increased and the unit price of products has increased a lot. (probably because of the support of tax rebate) the domestic price war for conventional products is quite fierce. So we have a good attitude when we make products. The price of products with good quality must be high, and the quality of products with low price is equal.

It is required that the appearance is very good, the transparency of the bottle is very good, and the finish is very good. You can choose high white materials or some are called crystal white materials, mainly high-grade wine bottles, like Wuliangye and golden wine bottles. Then there are the bottles of daily chemical series, but the physical and chemical properties of such products are inferior to those of pharmaceutical materials, some of them will break at high temperature, and some of the indexes are beyond the regulations. If the appearance is required to be very good, the transparency and smoothness of the bottle are required to be very good, high white materials or some are called crystal white materials, mainly high-grade wine bottles, like Wuliangye and golden wine bottles. Then there are the bottles of daily chemical series, but the physical and chemical properties of such products are inferior to those of pharmaceutical materials, some of them will break at high temperature, and some of the indexes are beyond the regulations.

3、 Production and price of glass bottle

1) If it is a glass bottle with a capacity of more than 250-300ml, it is recommended to use a single drop machine for production, most of which are 6 or 8 in China.

2) If the capacity is less than 250-50ml, it is recommended to use double drop machine for production, most of which are 6 pairs or 8 pairs in China.

3) If the capacity is less than 50-5ml, there are now 3 drops and 4 drops in China. There are five or six drops of equipment, which requires a large number

4、 Glass bottle proofing time

Now in the market economy, every glass bottle factory is competing with each other, and they all want to get more orders so as to have better profits. If you are a salesman, you must want to receive more lists. Some glass bottle manufacturers that have done a good job for a long time have a detailed review process for their orders, but the review time may be longer. Generally, small enterprises are very flexible. After getting the samples, they feel that they can do it, and they can produce the samples within 20 days. We can calculate that from the sample production, they are usually looking for specialists Some of the mould manufacturers in the industry make their own molds, from bottle drawing drawings (2-3 days), customer confirmation (1-2 days) to making molds, if they are single drop 6 groups or double group 4 groups, they need at least 10 sets of molds, and the production time of molds is about 10 days (if they are sample molds, they will be faster) plus other 5 days, so the shortest time is 20 days. Then there is the arrangement of machine proofing, which is estimated to take 5 days, so it is close to a month's production time. But now many customization parties require 15 days or 20 days to get samples, so the manufacturers have to catch up in some aspects, some even in the unmatched production line proofing. The products with not strict quality requirements can also be used. If they are special-shaped products, it is difficult to make qualified samples if the material properties and mold design are not matched.